Sunday, February 28, 2010

Poopy in the Potty

Today was a big milestone. I went poop in the potty! Now let me put it in some perspective. For the past couple weeks, I have been following mommy and sometimes daddy into the bathroom when they use it and have shown a lot of interest in what they are doing. I know the order of events, including when to use toilet paper and when to wash hands, etc. I sometimes even let mom and dad know when I need my diaper changed by grabbing the front of my pants (wet diaper) or going to the gate to go upstairs. I don't always let them know, but I have done it once or twice a day for the last several days. So today I let mom know I wet my diaper (about 10 minutes after she had changed it) but since it was just changed and I wasn't stinky, she didn't change me right away. So a few minutes later, I went into the bathroom on my own and when she followed me in, I pointed to the toilet. She took my pants and diaper off and held me onto the toilet seat and I let a little poop drop into the toilet. However, at the point I got a little freaked out by the experience and possibly by the size of the toilet seat (my own toilet seat was just ordered earlier in the week and hasn't arrived yet) so I didn't finish the job. But mommy and daddy were proud of me nonetheless since I let them know my needs and I even gave it a try. I know they won't pressure me to keep using the toilet, but will let me use it when I request it. Maybe once I have my own seat, I might be less scared of the whole process, but it was a pretty cool moment for all of us. Probably more information than you ever wanted to know, but that's probably true for a lot of my milestone moments!

On a less personal note, a few other highlights of this week. I am now sleeping on a twin mattress on the floor of my room. So no more crib or crib mattress in my room - they are now in the baby's room. Mommy also got out the baby swing yesterday so I could get used to having some of baby's stuff in my play area. I put my dolly in the swing and give her pushes since I'm too big to sit in the swing myself.

I also went mall walking for the first time this week. Mommy and I went to the mall before the stores opened and got to walk (or in my case, run) around the wide open space. There were other people there, but not too many so I had a lot of freedom to go my own pace which was a lot of fun. Then Friday mommy took me to a playgroup at the library. There were so many toys for me to play with, I loved it. Plus there were several other kids around my age so it was fun watching them play and once in a while, I even tried to play with them (aka steal their toy). I made friends with Lilliana's daddy (he was the only daddy there this week but hopefully next time my friends Ben, Abby & Lorelei will be there with their daddy since he is off every other Friday and maybe my daddy can come in March when he is off of work for a week) and a few of the mommies. I still gravitate and socialize more with adults and older kids, but I was really good about being social with the kids my age this week which made mommy proud.

So those were the highlights of my week. Given the nature of today's primary topic, no pictures to post, but at least you are now up-to-date!

1 comment:

mom2three said...

THAT is awesome!!! I'd be proud too! Go Cameron! And thanks for not posting the picture! (haha)